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    Teaching By Example

    While waiting for an eye examination, I was struck by a statement I saw in the optometrist’s office: “Eighty percent of everything children learn in their first 12 years is through their eyes.” I began thinking of all that children visually process through reading, television, film, events, surroundings, and observing the behavior of others, especially their families. On this Father’s Day, we often think about the powerful influence of a dad.

    In the midst of the chaos God can be trusted–Keith & Kim’s Story

    Children fill a family with warmth and joy. But for couples who can’t conceive, it may feel like there’s a gaping hole in the home. Keith and Kim share how God turned their struggle with infertility into a redemptive plan for their lives. Find hope when you’re at your wits’ end. We would like to…

    Find encouragement for parents in the process!

    Parenting isn’t easy! This day-in-day-out job can leave even the strongest mom or dad weary. Let’s compare and contrast God the Father and Jesus with an earthly father and son, and provide encouragement for parents.

    Let’s turn to God’s Word for some insight on what makes a good dad

    Being a dad is a tough job. It seems everyone has a different opinion on what qualities make up a good father. Hear a study in Mark chapter 9.

    Sibling Rivalry

    It is our human nature to compare and our siblings are the most available person to compare ourselves to. Hence, if you are not the only child, probably, you have experienced what is commonly known as “sibling rivalry.” According to Dr. William Antonio Boyle, sibling rivalry is defined as “the antagonism or hostility between brothers and/or […]

    How to offer God’s forgiveness to those who’ve hurt us the most

    Is there a family hurt you can’t seem to get past? A word, an action, or a mistake that makes forgiveness seem impossible?

    Perspective that can help you see “The Beauty of Broken”

    When our son wanders off course, or our daughter makes poor decisions, we may wonder if they have completely missed God’s plan for their life. Offering hope and encouragement for worried moms and dads.

    Discover the healing found in surrender

    How do we respond when a loved one doesn’t live up to our expectations? The Discover the Word group share personal experiences with letting go, and allowing Jesus to touch their family members’ hearts

    Let’s look at why every family needs the healing touch of the Savior

    Whether it’s a troubled marriage, rebellious children, or generational sin, we may think our brokenness is unusual for a Christian family. Discover that family fractures are typical in every home! Let’s look at “The Beauty of Broken.”

    How to see God’s goodness through the cracks of our family relationships

    Maybe your family portrait isn’t what you thought it would be. And even when we try to touch up the picture of our home life, the flaws still show through. We’re talking about “The Beauty of Broken.”

    not too young

    Recent research has revealed what teenagers truly desire from the adults in their lives. The Search Institute study found that teens want parents and other older influencers to do the following: 1. Look at us. 2. Spend time talking with us. 3. Listen. 4. Be dependable. 5. Show appreciation for what we do. 6. Relax. 7. Show that you’re interested. 8. Laugh with us (and at yourself). 9. Ask us to help you. 10. Challenge us.

    Learning to trust the sovereignty of God even when you might not like the outcome–Larry & Cindy’s Story

    As a parent, there’s nothing worse than finding your children in pain and being unable to help them. Where can a mom and dad turn for answers? Larry and Cindy share how God’s sovereignty and grace met them and their family during a time of crisis. An important story for parents and grandparents. We would…


    My wife, Marlene, and I have been married for over 35 years. When we were first dating, we had a conversation I have never forgotten. She told me that at 6 months old she had been adopted. When I asked her if she ever wondered about who her real parents were, she responded, “My mom and dad could have selected any of a number of other babies that day, but they chose me. They adopted me. They are my real parents.”

    Childhood Beginnings

    Last summer, our church invited a young man to join the staff. As Caleb shared how he grew up in Costa Rica while his family was serving Christ there, he reflected on the words of 2 Timothy 3:14-17. From his childhood, he reminisced, he had known the Bible.

    A Father To Follow

    When I think of my father, I think of this saying: “He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and he let me watch him do it.” During my youth, I watched my dad walk with God. He participated in Sunday morning church services, taught an adult Bible-study class, helped with counting the offering, and served as a deacon.

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